I-Support is not just for Business, we also have mailing services for individuals.
We can provide a UK address for UK residents and non-UK residents.
Can’t accept mail at your current address?
Plan to go travelling overseas?
Need to keep a UK address?
Fixed UK address?
We receive and forward your mail by post or our post+.

UK Contact Address
You can use the address as your contact address so that companies or family and friends can write to you. This is for you to use in case you do not have a permanent address in the UK or are overseas and require a location for your mail.
Safe and Secure
Using our address ensures you don’t have to use family or friends to keep your mail. We receive and deal with your mail. Any unwanted mail is securely shredded.
Online Dashboard
Online Account means you can update all your details and if you choose the scan option you can get access to your mail which is securely uploaded.
12 Key Features
Mailing Service for UK based residents.
Forwarding is Ideal for UK Expats & Travelling Overseas.
Private and Confidential Service.
Quick Online Sign Up.
No fee for signing for packages.
Your own UK address.
Saving you the cost of PO box.
Online Dedicated Secure Account.
Packages can be only be received at Sussex Address.
Mail can be posted daily, weekly or monthly.
We will remove any obvious junk mail.
Local Virtual Office Numbers also available.

Mailing Address Sign Up In 4 Easy Steps
Select your personal package, mail forwarding options and the length of the service term - Monthly or Annual.
Proceed to checkout
Register an account and start your application by providing your company and/or personal details, you can also add additional services.
Payment Processed - by Direct Debit or Card
Upload ID. We recommend having all your ID ready before you apply. Confirm mail forwarding details.
Submit for Approval
We carry out online verification checks on everyone’s details in your application.
If all ID checks are OK you are approved.

Mail Forwarding for Individuals
Our Mail Forwarding for Individuals service is available to both UK and non-UK Residents, and is specifically for people that need to have UK address.
The Mail Forwarding Individual Service is for people only and not for business use.
If you are an individual that needs it for personal and business use, you will need to have two separate accounts with us.
We use our location in East Sussex for all individuals mail forwarding services, our London address is strictly a business address.

Who can use the Individual Mail Forwarding Service?
The virtual UK street address service is ideal for:
Travelling Reps
Having to notify your contacts every time you move to another address can be very time consuming.
Travelling overseas
You may be planning on travelling or the nature of your work means that you are never in one place for any length of time. Our address gives you fixed address.
You may be changing addresses quite a few times in a small time frame, so you can get a fixed UK address for all your mail
Gap year
If you have decided to explore the world, as you do not tend to have a permanent address for any definite period, you can use our address for your correspondence.
No private postbox
Ideal when you have an unsecure postbox, mail left in communal hallways or live in an area where a postal service isn’t available such as static caravan parks.
Between homes
Many of our customers have sold their main home and are waiting to move into their new home or are temporarily renting a property.

What you can’t use our address for?
Voting or Benefit Claims
You cannot use the mail forwarding address to give the impression that you live at this address, for voting or residency or benefit claims. This is potential fraud and can result in large fines or imprisonment if you give incorrect information on official documents.
Companies or DVLA
Please note that the address may NOT be used to register company or for personal vehicles, either with the DVLA or for parking/traffic offences, DVLA will usually reject applications, we will return any mail from DVLA or for traffic offences to sender.

Packages and Parcels
We can receive small parcels and packages at our Sussex office only. We do not use our London address for personal or individuals mail.
If you are expecting packages to arrive please notify us and provide us with tracking information.
We can accept small packages only, we are an office, rather than a warehouse with space to store larger items or pallets. We reserve the right to refuse any deleiveries to large for us to lift/handle.
We will forward on the packages as per your instructions, additonal fees may apply if we have to repackage, consolidate or arrange for a courier. Please check our terms and prices page for more details. We would talk to you first before arranging couriers etc.

When you sign up for the Individual Address you will be initially asked how often you want your mail forwarded (daily, weekly, monthly) and whether you want it sent 1st or 2nd class. You can change this at any time, just contact us via email or phone to make the amendments. For example, if you are going away and want us to hold your mail for a few weeks, that is not a problem.
Proof of address - a utility bill or bank statement, which is less than 3 months old.
UK based clients ID are electronically checked. If we are unable to confirm your identity, you are required to provide certified copies. Non UK clients need to provide certified/notarised ID. Certified/Notarised copies are signed by a professional person or authority.
if you have the scanning service we are unable to forward any post or packages to you. If you think that you will get parcels or will want to get hard copies of your mail please choose the post+ service, this includes scanning and posting of your mail.
Ian Mclean
Verified Purchase
JLA Bookkeeping and accounts Ltd
Verified Purchase
Tom Ingle
Verified Purchase
We hope that the website contains everything you need to know, but if you are unsure or have a question, please do contact us.
If there is something you wish to discuss please either request a call back or if it is more urgent please do phone us and speak to one of our customer service advisers, who will be able to assist you.
Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm
Local No's:
+44 (0) 1323 484542
+44 (0) 207 060 7082
Alternatively you can click on the live chat facility or complete our contact us form.