I-Support is licenced by HMRC and registered by the London Local Authority to offer these virtual office services. We are required to collect certain information about our clients to meet our Money Laundering Regulation obligations.
We must ensure that we know who our client are and also confirm their address. Registered Limited Companies will also need to provide identification of all company directors and/or beneficial owners plus a copy of the certificate of incorporation.
We are required to collect copies of all Identification. - scroll down for complete list.
UK based clients - Both the proof of ID and proof of residential address documents are verified electronically, (checks on your identity will leave a footprint on your credit history but will not affect your credit history in anyway.) If we are unable to verify your ID, we will require it to be certified and accompanied by the relevant official stamp and signature.
Non UK clients - Both the proof of ID and proof of residential address documents must be notarised by a Public Notary and accompanied by the relevant official stamp and signature.

We require 2 separate forms of ID - you can not use the same ID for proof of Identity and proof of Address.
One from List A and one from List B.
All documents must be photocopied or scanned. Photographs and other types of reprographics are not acceptable. Copies must be clear, legible, showing the full and complete document, these must be first generation scans of the original documents. There must be no folds, parts covered, light reflections, etc.
Uploading your Documents
You will be required to upload these during the checkout. The service will remain suspended until the documents are correctly supplied or the expiry date of your contract is reached.
Your account will not be active until we receive your documents. You should not start to use your service until you receive approval confirmation by email. Any mail received before activation will not be processed and will be returned to sender.
List A: Proof of IdentityForms of acceptable Photo Identificatio • Signed Passport |
List B: Proof of AddressForms of acceptable Address Verificatio • Council Tax Bill or Rent Payment Book for the property the customer resides at
If you need to certify your documents.
Who can certify documents?
The following professional person or authority can certify documents:
- Post office
- Bank or building society official
- Official councillor
- Minister of religion
- Dentist
- Chartered accountant
- Solicitor or Notary
- Teacher or lecturer
- Local Town Hall
- Doctor
The following persons cannot certify documents:
Those related to you
Living at the same address; or
In a relationship with you
What should a certified document look like?
You will need to take the photocopied document and the original and ask the professional person or authority to certify the copy by:
Writing: "Certified to be a true copy of the original seen by me" on the document
Signing and dating the document
Printing their name under the signature
Adding their occupation, address and telephone number
Stamp the document with their personal or professional stamp
Please note, both the proof of ID and proof of residential address document must have the above information.